Your SAFETY is our top priority!

MAGEN DAVID ADOM is the first line of defense for all medical emergencies across Israel. Please be a generous as you can to help us in our life saving work:

  Click here to make this a recurring monthly gift


There are many ways to help...

MAGEN DAVID ADOM provides the nation's ambulance services. This weighty responsibility not only includes staffing and dispatching ambluances but sourcing them, as well.

Without government funds to provide ambulances and medical supplies, Israel's emergency medical services can only pray, and ask for help.

Many churches and Christian organizations have raised funds to purchase an ambulance or Medicycle in the name of their ministry. We would love to talk with you about how you can donate an ambulance fully equipped with medical equipment and supplies to save up to 10,000 lives in Israel.




 Medicycles empower Israel's first responders to swiftly reach those with urgent needs in  time to save them. They are strategically positioned around the nation with riders who are on call  24/7. They are equipped with critical medical equipment such as defibrillators, oxygen tanks, bandages, medications and more.


Basic Life Support Ambulance


 Basic Life Support Ambulances are deployed thousands of times every day, transporting close to a million patients every year. Several hundred babies each year are delivered in ambulances. Ambulances, on average, have a 10-year service life and can save up to 10,000 lives in that time.



MICU Ambulance


 Essentially an emergency room on wheels, Mobile Intesive Care Unit ambulances are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to care for the most critically injured patients and communicate their vital statistics in real-time whiel en route to the hospital.



For more information please contact Bonnie at 866-632-2763 or

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